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Your story stays in safe hands

The General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) requires all businesses who collect and use personal information, to do so in a manner that protects your privacy and rights.  The GDPR covers the processing of all personal data.  I will treat your data with the utmost care and will only use or share it for the purposes agreed with you in advance.
Any personal or family details discussed are purely for the purposes of writing your ceremony, which you will see and approve once full payment has been received.  I will not disclose any of these details to anyone who is not involved or connected to your ceremony or has not been invited as your guest unless I have your written consent.  All notes that are taken are shredded after use.  Scripts are retained on secure computer files.  Printed scripts are destroyed after use, except for the copy given to you after the ceremony.
All personally identifiable data will be destroyed after six years of your ceremony taking place.
I will not give your details to any third party, except at your request, or where required to do so by law under duress of any legal proceeding or investigation.

Do you have further questions? Get in touch and we can chat :)

Male Celebrant UK 2025 Marcus Armstrong
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marcus armstrong hello magazine

So what do you reckon?

Well I think you're great, and you're clearly a very clever and wise person who makes great decisions, so I feel like we could make something amazing? 


If you agree, pop me an email, follow the link, drop me a WhatsApp, give me call - whatever you like! 


Let's chat :D

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